Harmomy Flex Server

Self hosted server for Symfony Flex allowing private and customized recipes.

Based on the same idea as Symfony, HarmonyCMS use recipes that allow the automation of Composer packages configuration.

Harmony Flex server

Such as the official Symfony Recipes server, Harmony use it's own flex server to serve private recipes for each extensions and packages available through the Harmony's Marketplace. This private server is used as a proxy/caching server of the official and contrib repositories.

This private recipes server can be accessed at the next url: https://flex.harmonycms.net.

This private server replace the default configured endpoint server: https://flex.symfony.com.

Harmony recipes repository

Like Symfony, Harmony recipes are contributed by the community and are stored in a single public repository who contains all the recipes for the extensions and packages available through the Harmony's Marketplace.

This public repository can be accessed to the next url: https://github.com/harmonycms/recipes

Read the Symfony Recipes documentation to learn everything about how to create recipes for your own packages.

Last updated